Thursday, April 28, 2011

Starting A Dream Group

Hello: Fellow Dreamers

I am starting a dream group and I want you to join me.

Over the course of my life I have had many dreams. Like many of you I too have wanted to know what my dreams meant. Especially this year 2011 I have had the most interesting dreams starting form the most beautiful to the you wouldn't believe it if I told you type. With that said I want to share some of them with you and I would like for you to share yours with me and when the group is formed with the other members. We will together breakdown our dreams in a group environment through our emails at first. As of now April 28, 2011 I am the only member.

The ultimate goal for the group is to reach the point where we can have and share the same dream and have fun doing it. Although there are a endless number of thing to do, places to go and people to meet from the dreaming position. It will start with the sharing of our dreams through emails and as we respond to each others emails we will learn to interpret our dreams. We will all use a book call "The Dictionary of Symbols by Jean Chevalier, Alain Gheerbrant, John Buchanan-Brown (Translator)" as our primary guide.  Amazon has it new for 16.50 and used for 8.00  in paper back and  from 347.99 to 87.00 hard cover new and used respectively. Although there are no pictures in the book the accuracy and depth of the info will keep us engaged. This will be the tool we will use as a group for understand our dreams.  Let's give ourselves (14) days or until May 15, 2011 to form the group. On May 15,  if we are a group of  (2 or more) those members will need to purchase the first book. So let's say we must have the book  in hand by June 1, 2011. I will use that time to work on guidelines and answer questions. Remember we have a group if there are (2) or more members. I will notify you when we become a group through your email addresses. Depending on the size of the group we will do this for 90 days. At the end of that time we will have to decide if we want to keep going. In other words, ask ourselves what are we learning, are we growing from the experience and who is still interested. If we continue we will need to invest in a second dream book or symbols dictionary. Perhaps one from the list below. The list is a guide to help you get started looking. Ultimately the second book should be one that you like,  maybe one with picture symbols and text.

Leave me a comment below or email me at ( and I will tell you about what I did in my dream on 4/27/2011. It all started with a question my wife asked me one day and I said to my self, I wonder if I can do that. Hummmm.....

Check the list below for a possible second book.

An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols
By J. C. Cooper

The Secret Language of Dreams
By David Fontana

Dictionary of Saints
By John J. Delaney

In Your Dreams: Falling, Flying and Other Dream Themes - A New Kind of Dream Dictionary
By Gayle M. Delaney

The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends
By Arthur Cotterell

The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding
By Betty Bethards

Dream Images and Symbols: A Dictionary (Creative Breakthroughs Books)
By Kevin J. Todeschi

A Dictionary of Dream Symbols: With an Introduction to Dream Psychology
By Eric Ackroyd

 We are what we dream....     What's in your cup?

 I wish you peace, good health and a long life. 











Friday, March 11, 2011


Tree Dream II

I had just finished my second dream. When I found myself in my car waiting for a oil change when a man driving a truck with a cherry picker on it drove into the lot. He continues driving up his cherry picker snaps of a tree limb as it is not completely lowered and then as he continues into the stall it hits the top of the stall doing more damage. I now find myself outside my car and over at the tree and I say to the broken limb as I run my hand over the break "It will be alright" then I turned to the tree and I say "He didn't mean it, it will be alright. This is not the first conversation I have had with a tree. In the previous dream the tree talked to me. I look forward the dream when we have a two way so stay tuned.

I wish you peace, good health and a long life.

What is in your cup?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Dream To Remember

I can say with out a doubt I love dreaming and the more I dream the better my dreams get. What I mean is my participation level and my level of understanding increases. I also know this is a doorway that beckons. I must say I have a ways to go. Through dreaming we will find all the answers and I want them. Now to tell you about my last dream. I was lying in bed, I had started my meditation, following my in-breath and out-breath allowing my mind time to quiet down and after several minutes I hear very clearly a voice say "I will give you the numbers" I lie there on the outer edge of the alpha state waiting wondering just a little, trying to keep my mind quiet. I knew that I would get the numbers and that I just had to be aware of the event that unfold before me. I have heard the voice once before and I know the words  came form inside of me, but I had said nothing and yet I know they are real and that they meant play the Daily 4 lotto which I play a lot. I continued to meditate and after falling a sleep. I woke up and played the Daily 4 lotto I bought a $1.00 quick pick and some other picks. I check my numbers some 2 1/2 hrs. later saw the Daily 4 numbers were a match but not in the order of the draw, didn't mater I had marked box winner winner chicken dinner $718.00. Yes dreams do come true. I believe that what ever frontiers we want to travel into must be entered through the mind and dreaming is the vehicle. I encourage every body to learn dreaming. Feel free to ask questions. There are many important lessons to be learn form this experience. I would love to share them, let me hear for you.

I wish you peace, good health and a long life.

What's in your cup?