I can say with out a doubt I love dreaming and the more I dream the better my dreams get. What I mean is my participation level and my level of understanding increases. I also know this is a doorway that beckons. I must say I have a ways to go. Through dreaming we will find all the answers and I want them. Now to tell you about my last dream. I was lying in bed, I had started my meditation, following my in-breath and out-breath allowing my mind time to quiet down and after several minutes I hear very clearly a voice say "I will give you the numbers" I lie there on the outer edge of the alpha state waiting wondering just a little, trying to keep my mind quiet. I knew that I would get the numbers and that I just had to be aware of the event that unfold before me. I have heard the voice once before and I know the words came form inside of me, but I had said nothing and yet I know they are real and that they meant play the Daily 4 lotto which I play a lot. I continued to meditate and after falling a sleep. I woke up and played the Daily 4 lotto I bought a $1.00 quick pick and some other picks. I check my numbers some 2 1/2 hrs. later saw the Daily 4 numbers were a match but not in the order of the draw, didn't mater I had marked box winner winner chicken dinner $718.00. Yes dreams do come true. I believe that what ever frontiers we want to travel into must be entered through the mind and dreaming is the vehicle. I encourage every body to learn dreaming. Feel free to ask questions. There are many important lessons to be learn form this experience. I would love to share them, let me hear for you.
I wish you peace, good health and a long life.
What's in your cup?
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